tisdag 17 februari 2009


Så har vi då varit tillbaka till Italien igen med Cocoon
Det kommer vara mycket tomt här utan denna stora nalle !!!!
Sista kvällen i soffan
Then we took an another trip down to Italy to give back Cocoon after his visit here in cold Sweden
It´s going to be very empty now without that big teddybear !!!!
Last evening in the sofa

Sergio & Alberto var mycket glada att återse sin Cocoon
De fick tillbaka en bortskämd hund som absolut skulle vara i soffan
Sergio & Alberto were very happy to see their dear Cocoon again
They received a spoiled dog that absolutly needed to be in the sofa.

Cocoon hittade genast löptikarna !
Cocoon immediately found the females in heat !

Hans kompisar Luna & Alda
His friends Luna & Alda


Jipi hade vuxit mycket & är lika charmig nu som då vi såg honom som 8v

Jipi had been growing a lot but was as charming as we saw him the first time by the age of 8 weeks old

gosade givetvis med småfrallor igen !
cuddling with the small ones again !

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